Amrita Sen
Dr. Amrita Sen is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and a visiting faculty with Azim Premji University. Her research interests include cultural and political ecology, politics of forest conservation, urban environmental conflicts, and Anthropocene studies. In 2019, Amrita received the ‘Excellence in PhD Thesis award’ from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, for her doctoral research on conservation politics in Sundarbans. Her monographs ‘A political ecology of forest conservation in India: communities: wildlife and the state’ [1] and ‘Regional Political Ecologies and Environmental Conflicts in India’ [2] are centered around explorations on the political ecology of human marginalization, wildlife conservation and the role of the state in politicizing conservation frameworks. Recently, she has been awarded a Junior Core Fellowship by the Institute for Advanced Study, Central European University, Budapest, tenable from 1st January to 30th June 2023.
“In my opinion, ‘just transition’ is a material transformation of environmental vulnerabilities and community capacitation towards viable and prospective resilience building strategies. The ecological, economic and the social has to be more effectively integrated with equal emphasis on all aspects of growth, justice and material human development.”