Sustainability Transitions and Pedagogy: a coffee morning

This event is co-organised by Dr Treasa De Loughry and Dr Aparajita Banerjee. It will be held between 10am-12pm, Thursday, 13th of April, Room H1.47 Science Centre. Register here.
A paradigm shift is required in how we teach ‘wicked’ environmental problems like climate change, and the transition to a more just and sustainable society. Emerging socio-ecological situations (created in part by, for example, the pandemic or the worsening climactic outlook) are challenging for teaching practices, compelling us learn, unlearn and relearn fast to confront changing realities for which we are seldomly prepared.
In this two hour coffee morning we aim to discuss what pedagogical methods colleagues have deployed to prepare and equip students for an unknown future, while rooting these in existing pedagogical practices by asking questions such as; What appetite is there for the cross-disciplinary teaching of environmental issues like the climate emergency and just transitions? What are the challenges and opportunities of teaching across Schools and Colleges? How might we draw on our diverse pedagogical approaches in teaching environmental issues and/ or similar compound crises? What teaching practices can help us to build a pedagogical mosaic based on the technical and practical knowledge of diverse disciplines? And is there any way that we can embed efforts to decarbonise the university into our teaching practice?
If any of these questions interest you, please join us for a coffee morning on 10am-12pm, April 13th, at Room H1.47 Science Centre, registration link here No advance preparation is required beyond an interest in engaging in facilitated conversations.
Teaching staff from all levels (postgraduate onwards) and across all colleges are welcome to join. Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided. Hybrid participation will be facilitated. This is the first event in the ‘Cultural Imaginaries of Just Transitions’ project, funded by the UCD Humanities Institute (led by Dr Treasa De Loughry and Dr Sharae Deckard); and affiliated with the Just Transitions Research Group, funded by the Earth Institute (led by Dr Aparajita Banerjee and Dr Geertje Schuitema).
Next in the series is a facilitated workshop on pedagogy in autumn 2023, followed by a symposium in spring 2024 focused on just transitions and the humanities. If you have any questions or want to keep in touch please email