Meaning-Making and Embracing Change in the Midlands
Oscar Mooney
8 July 2024
Blog on the end of project Connecting Communities with Peatlands End of Project Conference held in Athlone. The talks from this event were a reminder of the local-to-global political challenge…
Peatland restoration: socio-ecological justice or odd future?
Oscar Mooney
27 March 2023
Held on the 22nd of February, The future of Ireland’s Peatlands: Science, engineering, and a Just Transition, took place in the Abbeyleix Manor Hotel organized by iCRAG, the Science Foundation…
Why are bottom-up approaches to renewable energy more acceptable for communities than top-down approaches?
Vanja Međugorac and Geertje Schuitema
20 March 2023
Assoc. Prof. Geertje Schuitema gives an overview of the findings and significance of her research group’s recent publication on Just Transition in the publication Energy Research & Social Science.
How Just are the Just Transition Plans?
Aparajita Banerjee and Geertje Schuitema
14 February 2023
This blog reflects a community impact view, illustrated by the ongoing transition in Ireland by Dr. Aparajita Banerjee and Prof. Geertje Schuitema. The energy transition has impacts on communities as…